Underage DUI Defense Lawyers in Hartford
Understanding Underage DUI Charges in Connecticut
DUI penalties in Connecticut are harsh, especially if you are underage. In the state of Connecticut, the drinking age is 21 years old. There are different limits of drinking and driving depending on the driver's age. If you are facing any type of DUI charge in CT, team up with a Hartford criminal attorney from Carlson & Dumeer, LLC right away. We may be able to help build a strong case for you and possibly have your charges reduced or dismissed.
Key Aspects of Connecticut DUI Laws
It is illegal to consume alcohol if you are under age 21, except:
- If you are on private property where alcohol is not being sold and you have the consent of a legal guardian
- At a party with consent from your parent
- If it is for religious purposes
- Drinking wine for communion
- If it is for medical purposes
- For medical treatment administered by a doctor
- If you have consent of a legal guardian at a place that sells alcohol
- At a restaurant
In order to be considered driving under the influence in Connecticut, the under 21 individual must have a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level of .02% or higher. If the driver is 21 years or older, their BAC level cannot be .08% or above. Work with our Hartford criminal lawyer to determine the best course of action for your underage DUI situation.
Consequences of Underage DUI Offenses
For a first drunk driving conviction, the penalties vary depending on the age of the driver. If the driver is 16 or 17 years old and their BAC is over .02%, their license will automatically be suspended for 48 hours. Their car can be impounded on the spot. On top of that the underage drinker can receive any of the following penalties:
- Imprisonment between 48 hours and 6 months
- Fines between $500 and $1,000
- License suspension for six months if their BAC is between .02 and .08%
- License suspension for one year if their BAC level was over .08%.
If this is a second drunk driving conviction for the underage drinker, the imprisonment sentence is increased to between 120 days and 1 year. The fine is also increased to between $1,000 and $4,000 and they will have their license suspended for one year. Some of the other penalties that the driver can receive include:
- Minor in possession of alcohol
- Soliciting alcohol
- Child endangerment violations such as distributing alcohol to other minors if there were underage drunk passengers
- Possession of false identification if they used a fake ID to buy the alcohol

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